We offer scientifically proved coaching and counseling. Confidential, competent and successful
Rainer Matthias Holm-Hadulla, MD
Director of the Heidelberg Institute for Coaching (hic)
Professor of Psychotherapeutic Medicine at the University of Heidelberg
Private practice for Counseling and Psychotherapy
Visiting Professor in Buenos Aires and in Santiago de Chile, and at the Pop-Academy, Mannheim
Author of several books, e.g. "The Art of Counseling and Psychotherapy" and "The Recovered Voice". Numerous scientific articles and contributions for popular media.
Senior Project Consultant - People & Culture at SAP Technology and Innovation (2021 bis heute)
PhD candidate at SAP SE in cooperation with Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg (2016-2020)
Academic Assistant at the Department of Industrial and Organizational Psychology at the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg (2016-2017)
Further training in Systemic Counseling and Therapy at the Helm Stierlin Institute (HSI)
Study of Psychology in Landau, Heidelberg and Madrid with study focus in Work, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and Health Psychology (2008-2015)
Fields of interest: Personnel & Leadership Development, Change Management, Positive Psychology, Career Coaching
Maren Endres
Coach at the Heidelberg Institute for Coaching
Ulrike Conrad, MSc
Systemic Coaching and Conflict Management, Communication Training
Experiences in Intercultural and International Communication
Training in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Nonviolent Communication
University degree for Systemic Coaching
Scientific Project Manager at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Editor and Program Planner for scientific and medical publishing groups in Heidelberg (Springer Publisher)
Study of Biology (Diploma) at Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
Ulrike Conrad
Coach - located in Berlin for the Heidelberg Institute for Coaching
Frank-Hagen Hofmann, PhD, MSc
Counselor at the Psychosocial Counseling Service for Students at the University of Heidelberg; Licensed cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist
Dissertation on “Creativity and Crisis” at Heidelberg University
PostDoc at the Center for Psychosocial Medicine, University Hospital Heidelberg, Project: “Coaching for Junior Scientists”
Co-developer of the concept of the Heidelberg Institute for Coaching